Home » Time to Act » FAQs

Need support?

We are keen to make your Time to Act experience as easy and enjoyable as possible. The resources here and elsewhere in the website are intended to support teachers throughout your journey. If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please get in contact.

Who is Time to Act for?

Time to Act is for teachers at Victorian schools and other educators who are interested in drama/theatre-based approaches to climate justice and sustainability. You do not need to be a drama/theatre teacher to join the Time to Act community.

Do I have to join the Time to Act community of practice to attend professional learning workshops and/or use the curriculum library?

No! Time to Act professional learning workshops can be attended by anyone, and the curriculum library is open access. However, if you join the Time to Act community you will be connected with a mentor teacher, as well as other teachers who will guide and support you as you engage with climate justice and sustainability education.

How do I join the Time to Act community?

The easiest way to join the Time to Act community of practice is by attending a professional learning workshop. Our next workshop is being held at The Ian Potter Centre: NGV Australia, Federation Square, on Saturday 9th November, 2024 (10am-4pm).

If you are not able to attend this workshop but are still interested in getting involved, fill in this form to get in contact.

How is the Time to Act community of practice structured?

Time to Act is managed by a team of educators and researchers from Deakin University’s Centre for Regenerating Futures and Drama Victoria.

Like any community of practice, we share a domain, community, and practice.

Our community is structured in three stages, aligned with the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership’s Professional Standards for Teachers. Aligning with these standards is intended to support our members with VIT Registration and career progression.

Stage 1: Graduate/Proficient

  • Attend a Time to Act professional learning workshop

Stage 2: Proficient/Highly Accomplished

  • Begin a climate justice/sustainability project at your school
  • Connect with a mentor

Stage 3: Highly Accomplished/Lead

  • Contribute resources to the Time to Act curriculum library
  • Lead/co-lead Time to Act professional learning workshops
  • Mentor other Time to Act community members participating in Stage 2
  • Network with educators working across disciplines
What should my Stage 2 project involve?

This is completely up to you! You can try out resources from our curriculum library. You can join our sister project, Artefacts of the Future, for a fully-planned and supported 5+ week interdisciplinary program that will help your students learn about sustainable living and use art to express their idea for a better future. Or you can come up with your own completely unique project. Your mentor will discuss ideas with you and help you to get started.